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Can One Tweet or Post Ruin Your Admission to College? A Look at Rescinded Offers Due to Social Media Use

Recent instances where college admissions have been rescinded due to social media posts include:

1. University of Richmond: In late June 2020, a football recruit for the University of Richmond had his admission rescinded following the circulation of a Snapchat video in which he used a racial slur. The video, shared from a friend's account, garnered significant attention and led to an online petition for the rescission of his admissions offer. The university subsequently issued a statement denouncing the video's content as not reflecting their values .

2. Marquette University: Around early June 2020, Marquette University revoked the admission of a student who posted a controversial comment on Snapchat relating to the death of George Floyd. The student's post, which appeared to trivialize the incident, led to the university withdrawing her admission, stating their commitment to a nurturing and inclusive community.

3. University of Florida: A 2020 high school valedictorian lost her admission to the University of Florida after older Twitter posts featuring racist language surfaced. These posts, which were over a year old, contained derogatory remarks about her black classmates. Despite the age of these posts, the university decided to rescind her admission.

These cases highlight the increasing scrutiny of social media activity by college admissions offices. In fact, a survey by Kaplan found that the number of admissions officers who regularly check applicants’ social media profiles increased from 25% to 35% over the past year. Of those who reviewed social media profiles, 32% reported that they had a negative impact on their decision. Another survey by Inside Higher Education revealed that 14% of private colleges had rejected a student or rescinded an offer at least once in the previous two years due to online content.

This growing trend underscores the importance for students to be mindful of their online presence, as it can significantly impact their college admission prospects.

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